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Hi Rose Guardian

Nice little game with beautiful maps :)


Thank you!

Some super cool concepts in here. I liked the idea of Harold from the past coming to help you in the future!

A couple of criticisms:

1. The quest journal never updates, so I was left wandering lost and confused a few times.

2. My gameplay time was 58 minutes when I reached the final boss. I was stocked up with potions and had done many encounters to raise my levels and I still lost to the boss. And I lost very quickly, it wasn't even a close battle, he just annihilated me. I thought this must be intentional, but then I got the game over screen. I hadn't saved so I just left it at that so I've missed out on the ending, but I was left very frustrated.

Definitely consider rebalancing the final boss and aim to bring game time down to within the 30 minute limit. You could probably get rid of the woods on the right before the town, and maybe don't include the cathedral backtrack, lower the encounter rate and balance the final boss accordingly and I think you'll have it under time.

Wish I could have seen the ending, but maybe someone will do a lets play I can watch when the issues are fixed!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing I'm sorry you couldn't defeat the last boss. The easiest way to defeat him is to let Max do nothing but heal, and spam Orion Light Wave skill. If you guard you'll recover some HP, and MP. Also sorry about the quest system I was going to use it but chose not too, and completely forgot to remove it.